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How You Perceive Yourself Affects How Well You Learn
by Martin Mak
Is it possible that your mental performance hinges on how you think people perceive you or how you perceive yourself? Professor Robert Rosenthal of Harvard University discovered many years ago how powerfully your perceptions of people can affect their behavior. The same principle applies to your perception of yourself. <P>
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Good value Local Travel for Baby boomers
by Royce Sandoval
The "staycation" has gotten lots of publicity over the past year or so. As people are finding it harder to budget for flight ticket, rental cars, and rooms, they are wanting to take trips closer to home. Luckily, senior citizens have a lot of selections when it comes to "local travel."<br /><br />Town Travels for Seniors<br />Ma...
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Implement Health and Safety for Business Success
by Keira Scott
Business ventures will certainly demand a person to do better and exert more. Definitely, a person who is planning to set up a business should be prepared to handle huge obligations and come up with the best strategies to avert the problems that may get in the way of success. With the way things are going nowadays in the world ...
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Regular Shiatsu Sessions Help to Prevent the Stress in Our Daily Lives
by apex chiro
Shiatsu is a Japanese word meaning 'finger pressure'. Shiatsu massage is a alternative technique that uses the fingers and palms to go for pressure to particular parts of the body. To hold up good health and assistance ward of illness, shiatsu massage uses artful methods and hand pressure to accurate the balances of the body. ...
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Symptoms based Specialty Doctor Recommendation
by Coswa Healthcare
Human beings are bestowed with different qualities and knowledge, each containing its own essential features. Some gain boundless knowledge of how human body operates. The people specialized in this field are called Doctors who have the power to bring people back to their normal life. Doctors are specially formed so as to recupe...
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