- Barbell Side Split Squat
- Lift barbell behind your neck and stand with a little straddle foot for about 5 to 10 cm from shoulder-width like in picture (a).
- Move your body to the side left until your body gets the lowest possibility with bending your left knee while the other knee and leg are in straight position (b).
- Back to the first position like in picture (a) and do the same for the right side (c).
- Barbell Single Leg Squat
- Lift barbell behind your neck and stand with a leg cross in front of others which hold up your body (a).
- Bent that holding leg and lower yourself as maximal as you can (b).
- Rise back up to the (a) position and repeat it again. Do it also for your other leg.
- Pile Dumbbell Squat
- Stand straddle 5 to 10 cm wider than shoulder-width with holding your dumbbell like in picture (a).
- Keeping your body straight, slowly bent your knees so your body will get lower as lowest as possible.
- Rise your body up to the first position (a) and repeat it again. It can be varied with holding dumbbell behind your head.
- Iron Cross
- First, take end of regular squat position so your body will get lower as possible and holding 2 dumbbells with hammer position in front of you like picture (a).
- Rise up your body and straight your legs followed by opened arms to their each sides. Then, it will make a big “T” letter when you stand up (b).
- Return to the starting position (a) and repeat it again.
Do 3 sets of 15-25 repetitions with heavier weight step by step
Do 3 sets of 15-25 repetitions with heavier weight step by step
Do 3 sets of 15 to 25 repetitions with heavier weight step by step
Do 3 sets of 15-25 repetitions with heavier weight step by step
- Flutter Kicks
- Lie on your chest on a bench with two legs lifted and thighs are out of bench like in picture (a).
- Raise your leg as high as you can with keeping the other leg straight, hold on for 1-2 seconds then put it down. Change with the other leg and keep repeating it just like when you’re swimming (b).
- The Scorpion Buttlift
- Place your body with two hands and a knee (until the lower part leg) touching the floor (a).
- On the other leg, pinch a dumbbell behind its knee with enough weight.
- Keeping your back and neck straight and parallel to the floor and keep your pinch leg for 90 degrees.
- Raise your pinch dumbbelled leg until your sole directs up like in picture (b). Lower your leg back to the starting position. That’s one rep (one movement repetition).
Do 3 sets of 15 to 20 repetitions for each leg
Do 3 sets of 15 to 20 repetitions for each leg
- Calf Raise On A Dumbbell
- Put dumbbell on the floor and step its handle with on the floor and step its handle with one part of front foot and the other leg is risen and hanging (a).
- Rise up your leg which is on the dumbbell until it goes on tiptoe like picture (a). Keep your balance when the dumbbell is rolling to the front and back. To keep your balance, you can hold on something.
- Back to the starting position (a) and repeat it again. Do it also for the other leg.
- Knee Circles
- This one is quite simple, just stand with your width-leg as wide as your shoulder and move your knees by making a circle in one side (left/right) and do it also to the other side. Keep your soles unmoved and stand in one position only.
Do for 3 sets of 15-20 repetitions for each leg
Do for 3 sets of 15-20 repetitions for each circle
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