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Fish Oil Advantages of Salmon
by Clairman Richardson
A mother has to make confident that she is finding enough EPA in her eating habits to be certain the correct enhancement of the heart of her newborn. Lack of EPA is observed to lead to congenital heart ailments in the new-born.<br /><br />Fish oil for pregnancy does not only benefit the unborn baby in the womb. Research scientif...
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Severe Sleep Apnea and CPAP Machine Treatment
by Satya Narayan
<div align="justify"> Sleep apnea can be serious, and anyone can have it. According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute there are an estimated 12 to 18 million adults in America that suffer from the disorder as well as three percent of all children. Sleep apnea occurs when the person's breathing either becomes very...
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Cures and Causes of Tinnitus
by Martin T Lane
People that suffer from strange noises in there ears are said to suffer from tinnitus. The thing that worries most of them is there is no source for these noises.The cures and causes of tinnitus can be great and there a number of factors that can attribute to it. <P>
If you have been suffering from tinnitus for a long time y...
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Aerobic Oxygen - Source to an Enriched Life
by Martin Bows
Oxygen is the source of good health. It is necessary for us to be alive. Our body is designed in such a way that lung absorbs oxygen from air. It renews the cells in our body and keeps us away from many diseases. It has been found that the oxygen level is way too low because the air pollution has increased. We have to admit tha...
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