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Hypnosis as a Psychological Treatment
by jessica thomson
Hypnosis has gained popularity in treating psychological disorders nowadays. Earlier, it was believed hypnosis was an unconscious state of mind resembling sleep, but recent researches have proved that it is a fully conscious state of mind where the peripheral awareness is reduced, focusing on a single object or idea. <P>
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Anesthesia coding and modifier 23 use
by Erin Articles
Here are some tips to help you get rid of modifier 23 confusions. <br><br> First, you need to know where the service took place. You can add modifier 23 to many procedures that take place outside the OR if your physician provides sufficient documentation. Radiologists carry out an ever-growing range of procedures, many of whi...
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Apple Cider Vinegar is effective as Gout Therapy: A Brief Summary
by Vicky Watts
Many of the experts in the field of treating gout have dismissed the suggestions that taking apple cider vinegar for gout is anything but a placebo, and that it is not only ineffective, but has no medicinal properties whatsoever. However, there are also a large number of testimonials which state that they have seen great effect...
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An overview about benefits of dental implants and dental surgery
by esmond sid
<b>Dental implants as an imperative part of cosmetic dentistry</b> <P>
Merely name of dental surgery gives a traumatic thought to our mind. Most of us go on delaying treatments like cosmetic dentistry especially when we already know that we will have to go through dental implants. But we forget the fact that these treatments...
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Drop 10 Lbs In two Weeks Starting At this time
by Laverne West
And it will be generally unwanted fat reduction with minor or no muscle reduction! Sound superior to you? Then let's go...<br /><br />DO A 1-DAY JUICE Rapidly -- For one day eat only raw veggies and fruit juices, along with about a gallon of pure drinking water. This is a uncomplicated, uncomplicated way to eliminate a pound or ...
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