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As We Age We Should All Have A Hearing Test
by Aloysius Aucoin
As we become adults there are many times that we need to seek medical attention. We have all gotten the occasional flu or cold or even some other symptom where we ran to the doctor to see what it was so we could get it cured. Many times, though, we neglect some very obvious maintenance items. One area of neglect is in the senses...
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Curing a Chronic Sinus Infection
by robert wilson
Lots of people might have observed that despite taking lots of medicines for cold, there's no respite from it. Additionally, they might constantly be feeling tired all day long along with a headache or fever might be which makes them feel miserable. In times such as this, the cool thing is the individual might be struggling with...
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Energetic Docs Give Workout Guidance More Freely
by Ron Pruett
A more active medical professional may build for more active patients, or at least one who are aware they should be, a meta-analysis recommended. <P> Physically-active health professionals were up to five times more likely to counsel their clients about workout, Isabel Garcia de Quevedo, MSPH, and Felipe Lobelo, MD, PhD, bot...
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