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Folic Acid - Mandatory Fortification in NZ
by Kathy Simpson
Folic Acid: What is the Evidence for Recommendations and should New Zealand be fortifying our Food? <P>
Introduction Every year in New Zealand approximately 20 – 30 children are born with neural tube defects (NTDs) such as spina bifida and anencephaly (Ministry of Health, 2009). Additionally, NTDs are suggested to be the m...
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Time For An Electronic Cigarette Kit
by Heath Polowy
Then occur the Fifty One particular refills which are excellent for both the duo and trio e-cigs. The refill can be in the variety of liquid that you can fill in to the cartridge - which consists of the liquid, or it can be in the type of cartridges itself. The Fifty Just one refills are entirely tobacco totally free, so the ele...
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Is the biological clock ticking?
by Mike Weasly
Women's fertility potential is closely related to their age. Fertility peaks in the early and mid twenties and declines as age advances. This decline accelerates after the age of 35 years. This is known as "Biological Clock". <P>
The ovarian reserve (egg pool) is predetermined in every girl right from birth. This egg pool be...
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Bestselling v2 cigs industry and consumer review
by Mathew Martin
Vaping with electronic cigarettes is a much smarter way to smoke rather than inducing into tobacco cigarettes. There is really no comparison when it comes to the benefits of cigarette smoking, the electronic way rather than inhaling ingredients that are harmful for the body. By indulging into e-cigarettes you do not pollute the ...
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Fast Weight Loss Diets
by Larry Dunar
A fast weight loss diet is generally restrictive and severe on the body system. It often involves refraining from food, drinking lots of water and exercising. Yet, numerous variations are available, and if you search on-line, you will come across hundreds of fast weight loss formulas. The rules of a fast weight loss diet are the...
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